San Francisco, California and back to Colorado

Fisherman’s Warf, SF
SF tunnels

With a stop off at Lake Tahoe and Reno, I made my way to San Francisco.  I went to SF to submit my paperwork for a D7 Retirement via to Portugal.  I was able to hand in over my papers with only minor difficulty.  I reserve the right to change my opinion subject to actions taken by the Portugues government and its agents.  I don’t expect to know anything more before March.

In spite of its big city prices, I found SF to be a friendly and fun place.  I’ve been to SF before, so I didn’t do a lot of tourist things.  I did spend some time with friends, and we did visit several breweries.  All good.

After SF, I visited Fort Vinnie.  As you know, what happens at Fort Vinnie, stays at Fort Vinnie.  Nothing more need be said.

Then, I returned to Colorado.  Next month, I’ll be in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.  Hey, I had an airline ticket that needed using.

Frisco Marina, Frisco, CO

I don’t have a lot of stories to tell, so I’ll make this picture-heavy post.

Peak One, Frisco, CO
Dillon Reservoir, CO
Frisco, CO