What can I say? Munich is Munich. A great city with a lot of beer halls, a famous festival, and the dirndl. The Bavarian dialect is quite strong, so good luck with your high school German. Oh, they can understand your Hoch Deutsch, but there’s a good chance you won’t understand them. I find it easiest to stick with ‘Hallo’, and ‘Bier, bitte.’
As per usual, I arrived after Oktoberfest. They still had plenty of their special Oktoberfest beer, but without the crowds, and cheaper rooms. I stayed near the Ostbahnhof (east train station) because there is a direct line from/to the airport. The Munich airport is one of the few airports that has transit right at the terminal. It worked out sehr gut.

I met a Wolpertinger, a distant relative of the jackalope. It is cool and scary, at the same time. I had some schnitzel with beer, some beer with ribs—saw a man wearing lederhosen—and some beer with beer. Can’t say much about the nightlife as I was in bed by 9:30 every night. I know, party on Garth!
Good thing about early to bed, is fresh pastries in the morning. Pre-dawn, the bakeries are the only business that are open.

It must be time for a long nap. See you the USA!